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Tam Chuc Pagoda, Ha Nam - The largest pagoda in the world.

Quần thể du lịch chùa Tam Chúc Hà Nam là điểm du lịch tâm linh đang nhận được rất nhiều sự quan tâm từ các bạn trẻ và Phật tử trên cả nước. Tham khảo kinh nghiệm du lịch ở ngôi chùa lớn nhất thế giới được mệnh danh “Hạ Long trên cạn” trong bài viết.

The Tam Chuc Spiritual Tourism Complex in Ha Nam Province is a spiritual tourism destination that has been receiving a lot of attention from young people and Buddhists across the country. Refer to the travel experience at the world's largest temple dubbed "Halong Bay on land" in the article.

The Tam Chuc - Ha Nam Spiritual Tourism Complex is an attractive spiritual tourism area in Vietnam, attracting many tourists in recent years. In this article, we will share with you the travel experience to Tam Chuc Pagoda in Ha Nam so that you can have the most complete trip.

Tam Chuc Pagoda - Ha Nam: Location and Deity Worshiped

Tam Chuc Pagoda - Ha Nam is located in Ba Sao town, Kim Bang district, Ha Nam province, considered to be the largest temple in the world to date, located in the picturesque and sentimental Tam Chuc tourism complex.

Tam Chuc Pagoda worships the Buddhas, the venerable monks such as Master Dat Ma, Zen Master Nguyen Minh Khong, Zen Master Khuong Viet, Venerable Thich Thanh Tu, Zen Master Do Phap Thuan... who have contributed to the development of Vietnamese Buddhism.

When is the Best Time to Visit Tam Chuc Pagoda in Ha Nam?

The ideal time to visit Tam Chuc Pagoda in Ha Nam is during the spring, specifically in the early months of the year, the time of festivals, from the 10th lunar month to the end of the 3rd lunar month, with cool weather. Additionally, tourists can participate in Buddha worship, pray for wealth, and blessings.

Tam Chuc Spiritual Tourism Complex has beautiful scenery (Source: Vietnam Education Electronic Magazine)

Depending on the purpose of the trip, if you just want to explore Tam Chuc Pagoda, admire the beautiful scenery, and the serene spirituality of the Buddha's abode... you can visit Tam Chuc Pagoda in Ha Nam at any time.

Transportation to Tam Chuc Pagoda in Ha Nam

There are many ways to travel to Tam Chuc Pagoda in Ha Nam, you can choose different modes of transportation for convenient travel:

Bus: Tourists in Hanoi can choose the Hanoi - Phu Ly bus route, departing from Giap Bat bus station.

Shuttle buses: This is a convenient means of transportation to Tam Chuc Pagoda, most shuttle buses run on the Phap Van - Gie Bridge highway very quickly, only taking 1 hour to reach the destination.

Personal vehicles: You can choose to travel to Tam Chuc Pagoda by motorcycle or personal car, if starting from Hanoi, you drive along National Highway 1A through Gie Bridge and then go straight.

Ticket Prices to Tam Chuc Spiritual Tourism Complex in Ha Nam

How much are tickets to Tam Chuc Pagoda in Ha Nam is a question that many tourists are interested in. In fact, tourists visiting Tam Chuc Pagoda in Ha Nam do not have to pay entrance fees, but they will need to choose one of the two means of transportation, electric cars or boats, for sightseeing:

Electric car: Ticket price is about 90,000 VND/round-trip/passenger, visiting by road along the lakeside to enter the inner area of the pagoda.

Boat: Ticket price is about 200,000 - 350,000 VND/passenger, from the boat dock to the inner triple gate and sequentially to the sightseeing points.

There are also many other transportation and culinary combos. Tourists should note that the prices above are only for reference, and may change according to the actual circumstances at each time. Before visiting, tourists should contact the pagoda directly to update the latest prices for the period/holiday.

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Tam Chuc Pagoda, Ha Nam - The largest pagoda in the world.

Tam Chuc Pagoda, Ha Nam - The largest pagoda in the world.

The tourist complex of Tam Chuc Pagoda in Ha Nam is a spiritual tourism destination that is currently receiving a lot of attention from young people...
Tam Chuc Pagoda, Ha Nam - The largest pagoda in the world.

Tam Chuc Pagoda, Ha Nam - The largest pagoda in the world.

The tourist complex of Tam Chuc Pagoda in Ha Nam is a spiritual tourism destination that is currently receiving a lot of attention from young people...
Tam Chuc Pagoda, Ha Nam - The largest pagoda in the world.

Tam Chuc Pagoda, Ha Nam - The largest pagoda in the world.

The tourist complex of Tam Chuc Pagoda in Ha Nam is a spiritual tourism destination that is currently receiving a lot of attention from young people...
Tam Chuc Pagoda, Ha Nam - The largest pagoda in the world.

Tam Chuc Pagoda, Ha Nam - The largest pagoda in the world.

The tourist complex of Tam Chuc Pagoda in Ha Nam is a spiritual tourism destination that is currently receiving a lot of attention from young people...
Tam Chuc Pagoda, Ha Nam - The largest pagoda in the world.

Tam Chuc Pagoda, Ha Nam - The largest pagoda in the world.

The tourist complex of Tam Chuc Pagoda in Ha Nam is a spiritual tourism destination that is currently receiving a lot of attention from young people...
Tam Chuc Pagoda, Ha Nam - The largest pagoda in the world.

Tam Chuc Pagoda, Ha Nam - The largest pagoda in the world.

The Tam Chuc Spiritual Tourism Complex in Ha Nam Province is a spiritual tourism destination that has been receiving a lot of attention from young people and Buddhists across the country. Refer to the travel experience at the world's largest temple dubbed "Halong Bay on land" in the article.